Monday, July 14, 2008
Be prepared and ready for Fun
“Fundamentally there is just open space, the basic ground, what we really are.”
— Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
This fun beginners class is the perfect way to get acquainted with belly dance and offers the benefit of low impact exercise for fitness! Develop grace, poise and your own special style. You will be amazed at how your body can move and how wonderful this dance makes you feel! No previous experience is necessary. All levels of ability are encouraged. We will cover: shimmy's, shrugs, pops, hip & chest circles, drops & lifts, figure 8's, twists, traveling steps, head & chest slides, snakes arms, waves and more.
What about the youth ? Is belly dance appropriate for Girls?
Belly dancing can be a great activity for a girl, for many reasons:
• Fun. It's fun to learn how to do things your friends can't do, like balance a glass of water on your head or roll your stomach. It's also fun to dress up in the wonderful costumes that belly dancers use.
• Exercise Benefits. Belly dance is a form of exercise, and exercise is very healthy for the human body. Exercise promotes strong muscles, flexibility, and strong cardio-vascular health. It also releases endorphins into the brain, which generate a feeling of well-being. Done regularly, it helps prevent obesity.
• Mental Well-Being. Girls in American society, more than boys, are beaten from an early age into being dissatisfied with themselves: their bodies, their faces, etc. Girls, more than boys, are surrounded by magazine articles and advertisements that promote use of make-up, bust enlargement techniques, ever-changing fashions, hair color, and diet plans. The point of the constant barrage of ads is to make girls so dissatisfied with their current appearance that they'll go out and purchase these products to "fix" their problems. Belly dancing provides a girl with an environment that teaches appreciation for her own body, whatever it may look like. It offers her a way to feel beautiful without dieting herself to malnutrition or enriching big corporations with her spending money.
• Social Opportunities. Dance offers a girl another group of people to meet, outside the usual settings of school and church. A girl who feels shy and awkward in school may find that dance class provides a more comfortable place to meet people and make friends.
• Cultural Awareness. Learning a dance from another country can bring new life to how she thinks about that culture. Instead of thinking about boring history books, terrorists, oil profits, or wars when she hears a country mentioned, she'll think of its music, clothing, and folk traditions.
• Public Appearance. In the adult world, people who are skilled at public speaking have many great job opportunities open to them. Learning how to be comfortable in front of an audience as a child will equip a girl with a valuable job skill for her future.
In the Children Belly dance class we focus on the cute moves and great foot works so the techniques are a little different and not,focus on erotic moves.
The children should get a great elasticity in there joins and back bone for a optimum Immune system and perfect shape .
Exercise with fun and music is a fabulous way to great happy hormones and assist when your children are lethargic or have tendency to over weight.
• No negative Reactions Of The Public.
We know that there are maybe people who are not familiar with belly dancing and they could assume it is some kind of in appropriate show dance.
But we will prove them wrong as soon the first show comes out !.
Because the Girl's dance is called "Oriental dance " or "Middle Eastern" folkloric dance instead of the more provocative term "belly" dance.
And on top of that the Girls will wear select folkloric costumes for there performance with covered midriffs instead of the glitzy bead-and-sequin midriff-baring confections. The girls can be taught dances that emphasize folk dance steps and arm movements rather than vigorous hip movements. In a Bible Belt community, perhaps the girl could charm locals through a tasteful dance portraying a Biblical character such as the Virgin Mary, the queen Esther, Miriam the sister of Moses, etc.
In Conclusion
Belly dancing can be a fulfilling activity for a girl if her parents approach it with the right attitude and take sensible precautions to protect her from the bad behavior of adults (including her own parents!) A low-cost way to try it is to borrow a beginning-level video from the library or purchase a good-quality low-cost one such as Magical Motion and see if the girl still wants to pursue dance classes after learning what the video teaches. She may discover that this activity is one she'll enjoy for the rest of her life. Or she may decide she'd rather play the tuba.
We also thought to create the children group to support the Mom's a little so they can bring the girls and they also train the entire body and stay vital and flexible .
So let them have fun with Mom.
We have special trainer for the Children.
Please wear comfortable clothing and of course feel free to bring some beautiful scarf's or Bring a 3 ft. veil.
It is strongly recommended that you attend to all sessions as each class builds to the next.
price for single classes
Adults 500 J$
Students 300J$
Kid's (4-14)200 J$
Monthly member ship Adults (2-3 times weekly) 4000 J$
students 3000 J$
Kid's 2000 J$
our Cd's for your exercise at Home are soon available
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